Wise Crone Cottage Podcast
Welcome to the Wise Crone Cottage podcast with storyteller, Kathy Shimpock. Here we'll meet the crone and uncover her wisdom as found, in fairy tales, folktales and myths. New episodes are released each month. All rights reserved.
55 episodes
"The Vampire Skeleton Corpse" an Iroquois Folktale (S5, #7)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, shares the story of "The Vampire Skeleton Corpse." This is a frightening tale from the Iroquois tradition. Although there is never a single meaning for any story, this one has an important...
Season 5
Episode 7

"A Christmas Carol" - Read Along - Chapter 4-5 (S5, #6)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will be reading Charles Dickens’ masterpiece, A Christmas Carol. The work is a novella, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843. Because of th...
Season 5
Episode 6

"A Christmas Carol" - Read Along - Chapter 3 (S5, #5)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will be reading Charles Dickens’ masterpiece, A Christmas Carol. The work is a novella, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843. Because of th...

"A Christmas Carol" Read Along - Chapter 2 (S5, #4)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will be reading Charles Dickens’ masterpiece, A Christmas Carol. The work is a novella, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843. Because...
Season 5
Episode 4

"A Christmas Carol" Read Along - Chapter 1 (S5, #3)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will be reading Charles Dickens’ masterpiece, A Christmas Carol. The work is a novella, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843. Because of th...
Season 5
Episode 3

"Stribor's Forest": A Croatian Tale (S5, #2)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will be reading “Stribor’s Forest.” It’s a Croation literary tale written by Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic. It is a tale longer than most, so grab some tea and your journal before we begin. After ...
Season 5
Episode 2

"Abandoning the Old Woman"; Elder Abuse & Grief (S5, E1)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will explore elder abuse, as seen in stories, folklore and actual life. We'll start our exploration with a practice found in Japanese stories called ubasute or "abandoning the old woman."&...
Season 5
Episode 1

"The Old Woman and the Tiger" - A Chinese folk tale (S4, E12)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will explore the Chinese folktale, “The Old Woman and the Tiger.” The story is retold by Mary Hemingway who grew up in northern China. In this story, we’ll see a different side of th...
Season 4
Episode 12

Cackling and Crackling: “Frau Trude” Starts a Fire (S4, E11)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock explores the Grimm tale “Frau Trude.” It’s a short didactic story that allows for many surprising interpretations. Whether she be a witch or a crone, there’s a lot of cackling and cracklin...
Season 4
Episode 11

Episode 9: "Hecate at the Crossroads"
In this episode the Storyteller Kathy Shimpock explores the relationship of the crone within the maiden, mother, and crone trilogy. She tells the Greek myth of "Demeter and Persephone" and shares a lesser known variation in which Hecate p...
Season 1
Episode 9

Chatting 'Bout "Tatterhood" (S4, #10)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, meets again with Master Hypnotherapist, Linda Bennett. Together they discuss the Norwegian folktale, "Tatterhood," and expl...
Season 4
Episode 10

"Tatterhood" - A Norwegian Folktale (S4, #9)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will explore a little known Norwegian folktale, "Tatterhood." It's a story in which an unexpected, young girl goes on a hero's journey. She has quite a surprising role to play in a v...
Season 4
Episode 9

Archetypes in Story & Life (S4, #8)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will discuss archetypes with renowned hypnotherapist Linda Bennett. Together, we’ll identify common archetypes and discover how they can be identified in both life and stories.Cove...
Season 4
Episode 8

Krampus, Goblins & Switches, Oh, My! (S4, #7)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will focus on the Shadow side of the Christmas holiday. Not all folklore surrounding this time is happy and gay; some of the characters are birthed from our deepest nightmares. This time, ...
Season 4
Episode 7

"Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What" - Part II (S4, #6)
In this episode, the storyteller Kathy Shimpock, will continue our discussion of the Russian folktale "Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What." In doing so, we'll learn a bit more about Baba Yaga, the Slavic character who's part ...
Season 4
Episode 5

"Go I Know Not Whither, Fetch I Know Not What" - A Russian Tale (S4, #5)
In this episode, the storyteller Kathy Shimpock, will read the Russian tale, “Go I Know Not Whither, Fetch I Know Not What.” It’s a story with two crones: one the wise crone and the other the infamous Baba Yaga. Perhaps she’s a wise...
Season 4
Episode 5
"Old Rinkrank": a Grimm Brothers Tale (S4, #4)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will read the story of “Old Rinkrank.” It’s a Grimm Brother’s tale with a surprising ending. We’ll discuss the innocent persecuted heroine and how her journey differs from the tradit...
Season 4
Episode 4

"The Maiden in the Castle of Rosy Clouds" (S4, #3)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will read the literary fairy tale, "The Maiden in the Castle of Rosy Clouds." It's a story written by the Swedish author Harald Ostenson in the early 20th century. We'll identify the...
Season 4
Episode 3

The Wise Crone Meets the Devil Again and Again! (S4, #2)
In this episode, we’ll look at three stories in which an old woman meets and outwits the devil. The first is “Devil’s Bridge,” a Welsh legend. The second, “The Devil and His Grandmother,” is a German folktale recorded by the Brother...
Season 4
Episode 2

More Hands Lost and Found (S4, #1)
In the last "Wise Crone Cottage Podcast," storyteller, Kathy Shimpock shared the Grimm fairy tale "The Girl Without Hands." This is a continuation of that discussion. This time we'll focus on the earlier 1812 version of the story. W...
Season 4
Episode 1

"Hands Lost & Found" - Variations on a Grimm Theme (S3, #12)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will explore the Grimm tale, "The Girl Who Lost Her Hands." It's a story that packs a punch and leaves listeners quaking in the dust. Well, maybe that's a bit extreme. You can...
Season 3
Episode 12

Nisse vs. Crone - "Round the Norwegian Yule- Log" (S3, #11)
In this episode, we’ll be exploring the folklore around the "nisse," a Norwegian house spirit, found throughout Scandinavia (by different names). I’ll read the story “Round the Yule Log,” by P. Chr. Asbjornsen which includes s...
Season 3
Episode 11

The Cailleach in "The Adventures of the Sons of Eochaid Mugmedon" (S3, #10)
In this episode, we’ll be exploring the Cailleach, the Celtic goddess of winter. She’s found in both mythology and folktales in Ireland and Scotland. She sometimes appears as the sovereignty goddess. I’ll read the Irish myth, “The Adventu...
Season 3
Episode 10

"Ariadne’s Thread" - A Twist on a Greek Myth (S3, #9)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will tell you the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. Her version is one you may not have heard before, for it tells this story from the eyes of Ariadne. In doing so, we’ll disco...
Season 3
Episode 9

Why We Still Remember "Star Wars" and King Arthur's Court (S3, #8)
In this episode we'll reflect on two stories that demand retelling. In each tale (from "Star Wars" to King Arthur), we'll see how the story is poised to continue through the intervention of a single storyteller. In the sharing of the stor...
Season 3
Episode 8