Wise Crone Cottage Podcast
Welcome to the Wise Crone Cottage podcast with storyteller, Kathy Shimpock. Here we'll meet the crone and uncover her wisdom as found, in fairy tales, folktales and myths. New episodes are released each month. All rights reserved.
Wise Crone Cottage Podcast
"The Maiden in the Castle of Rosy Clouds" (S4, #3)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, will read the literary fairy tale, "The Maiden in the Castle of Rosy Clouds." It's a story written by the Swedish author Harald Ostenson in the early 20th century. We'll identify the differences between traditional folktales and literary tales. Finally, we'll discuss how older characters are depicted in stories and discover how a hero's journey can become an example of positive aging.
Story: Ostenson, Harald, "The Maiden in the Castle of Rosy Clouds"( in Jungfrun i Rosiga Molnens Borg, 1911). Great Swedish Fairy Tales, ed. by Elsa Olenius, trans. by Holger Lundbergh (New York: Delacorte Press, 1974). Reprinted in Swedish Folk Talesr (Edinburgh, UK: Floris Book), 2004: 192-198. (Story derivation discovered after recording.)
Cover Image: compiled from Pixabay images
Music: The Snow Queen Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. Sound effects from my finch "Tweedles."
Copyright 2023 Kathy Shimpock
For more crone tales, visit the "Wise Crone Cottage in the Woods" (http://www.wisecronecottage.com).