Wise Crone Cottage Podcast
Welcome to the Wise Crone Cottage podcast with storyteller, Kathy Shimpock. Here we'll meet the crone and uncover her wisdom as found, in fairy tales, folktales and myths. New episodes are released each month. All rights reserved.
Wise Crone Cottage Podcast
Cackling and Crackling: “Frau Trude” Starts a Fire (S4, E11)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock explores the Grimm tale “Frau Trude.” It’s a short didactic story that allows for many surprising interpretations. Whether she be a witch or a crone, there’s a lot of cackling and crackling going on. Hopefully, we can stay out of the fire without getting burnt! Either way, she's a friend you'll want to have. Fingers crossed!
My latest blog post discusses the color implications in this story. Check it out to learn even more!
Story: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Frau Trude, Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children's and Household Tales -- Grimms' Fairy Tales), no. 43, 1837. Translation by D. L. Ashliman. © 2001.
Sancinetti, Raquel, "The Wisdom of Living in the Present According to My 107-Year-Old Best Friend," New York Times, Nov. 14, 2023.
Illustration: Photo from Pixabay.
Music: The Snow Queen Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. Sound effects from my finch "Tweedles."
Copyright 2024 Kathy Shimpock.
For more crone tales, visit the "Wise Crone Cottage in the Woods" (http://www.wisecronecottage.com).