Wise Crone Cottage Podcast
Welcome to the Wise Crone Cottage podcast with storyteller, Kathy Shimpock. Here we'll meet the crone and uncover her wisdom as found, in fairy tales, folktales and myths. New episodes are released each month. All rights reserved.
Wise Crone Cottage Podcast
Chatting 'Bout "Tatterhood" (S4, #10)
In this episode, the storyteller, Kathy Shimpock, meets again with Master Hypnotherapist, Linda Bennett. Together they discuss the Norwegian folktale, "Tatterhood," and explore its many meanings and interpretations by looking at its symbols, metaphors, and archetypes. It's a fascinating model for dream interpretation too. Part 2 of their conversation continues on the "Crone & Queen's Fireside Podcast" where they discuss ways traditional stories can be used as a tool for personal growth and holistic healing. They explore the work of psychologist, Milton Erickson and share ways they've used stories within their own practice. As you’ll soon see, stories can be used to facilitate change in many settings from life coaching to hypnosis, depth coaching to spiritual companioning.
Story: Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, Lurvehette [Tatterhood], Norske Folkeeventyr (Christiania [Oslo], 1842-1852), translated by George Webb Dasent (1859). Translation revised by D. L. Ashliman. © 2001.
Illustration: From Tatterhood and the Hobgoblins: A Norwegian Folktale, retold and illustrated by Lauren A. Mills. New York: Little, Brown, 1996. [This beautifully illustrated book is now out of print, but available at used book stores.]
Music: The Snow Queen Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. Sound effects from my finch "Tweedles."
Copyright 2024 Kathy Shimpock.
For more crone tales, visit the "Wise Crone Cottage in the Woods" (http://www.wisecronecottage.com).